Wednesday, June 20, 2007

condescending words from our president?

"Destroying human life in the hopes of saving human life is not ethical, and it is not the only option before us.

Is this not exactly what we are doing in Iraq?

On to other topics. Last night I saw Tool in concert for the 2nd time. It is magical seeing them live, and last night was no different. I do feel that Maynard was off his game just a bit last night, as his vocals didn't live up to the first time I saw them. I did realize something during the concert. I think I have hit the age where being on the floor for a concert takes away from the show itself.

When I was younger, I wanted nothing more to be in the Pit. I loved being drenched in sweat and smelling like pot and beer as I left a show. I loved the random tit flashing and the forced sway back and forth while people try to get closer to the stage. But as I have gotten older, all those things seem to take away from the performance I am there to see. So as sad as it is to me, I think from here on out, I'm a seat guy when it comes to general admission concerts.

Goodnight and Good luck,


Sunday, June 17, 2007


I happened to catch a sneak peek of Michael Moore's new film Sicko, and like all his other work I really buy into it. Does that make me hardcore liberal or socialist? People need to look at the world we live in today and see how fucking wrong and backwards we are. When the news can spend 3 weeks covering Paris Hilton, we have a problem.

People need to open their eyes and see that its not wrong to point out that Columbine wouldn't have happened if gun laws we more strict. People need to open their eyes and see that the current administration has done nothing but lie to the American public about all things Iraq. And people need to open their eyes and see the health care system in this country is fucked up.

Don't attack me for pointing out truths. No where have I said that we shouldn't be allowed to own guns. But high school aged kids shouldn't be allowed to purchase or own weapons like the ones used in that massacre. People can argue all day, everyday in about the President of this country, its not going to change his track record. And that record is piss poor. Fucking connect the dots people, Dick Chaney and the Bush family are making money off this war, it may not show up on their W2 form at the end of the year. But oil companies and Haliburton are striking it rich right now.

This brings us to Moore's new film. Insurances companies are making record profits right now at the expense of our well being. If there is anything previously wrong with you, expect an increased premium, and if you happen to get extremely sick expect them to find a way to dump you, or get out of paying the bill. This is bullshit, it may not be a criminal offense, but it sure as hell is immoral. Maybe Universal health care isn't the best choice. But I can list 3 ways we can improve the system.

1. Cut all government funding to NASA and use those dollars to help people that need the help. At this point privatizing anything to do with NASA is only intelligent. It's a program the government doesn't need to fund, and will probably grow in leaps and bounds with a little corporate competition.

2. All medical students have to do their residencies at Veterans Hospitals or Free Clinics. This is only logical. We have 2 areas that are in great need of help, and this is a way to help.

3. physicians assistants. How many people even realize they exist. I feel the government needs to employee them and have them as the first line of free health care in this country. There could be a programs that let PA's work for so long, and then if they wish, go back to school and get a Ph.D, and if they worked for the government, they go to school for free. Anything like that would work.

As always,


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Mediacom Cable sucks

I can't fucking stand this company. I have had nothing but trouble with my internet since I started service with them. I'm a fairly cheap bastard, and only subscribe to internet service through them. This also means i get free basic cable, fantastic. I treasure my internet connection, sad i know. But this has allowed me to observe what time of year I have the most problems with the service. While researching a signal booster that was suggested to me by my friend the electrical genius I discovered that signals need to be boosted by the cable companies when it is really hot or cold outside.

I would say it is not coincidence that my internet always fails when it is really hot or really cold. Nothing pisses me off more than incompetent employees, and either Mediacom is in the practice of hiring the dumbest motherfuckers that make it out of high school, or their employees lie every time I call. I feel the split here is close to 50/50. It rally fails, I call and complain about my service being out, they take me through the step by step process of trying to get the service working, and with no luck a service call is scheduled. No more than 10 minutes after this call, my internet is back up and working.

What does this all mean, Mediacom like all internet cable providers have their signal strength adjusted automatically, yet they don't adjust for sever cold or hot temperatures. There employees will not tell you this is the problem, and they will correct it when it because a problem for them.

This company doesn't care about its customers until their customers become a problem.

Fuck them

Best Wishes,


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Shake the shit out of them!

I work at the police department in a small town. The fire department is also located in the same building. It's a shame I'm not a police officer or firefighter. I'm like a fly on the wall though, and I hear everything.

A few days ago two 13 year olds decided it would be intelligent to "huff" some kind of harmful chemical. Today they are still in the hospital. I really can feel sorry for these two dumb fucks. We all have our opinion, and some of you will say the lack of parenting is the cause of this, and you may be correct. In small town America, the cops seem to know just about everyone, and they know the character of everyone. If these children are from a home that will not deal with the situation, I feel the police have a right to step in and shake the shit out of these two youths and teach them a damn lesson.

I know a few kids that need the shit shaken out of them. Parents, open your eyes and see what needs to be done.

Respectfully YOurs,